The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity Volume 1–3 Manga Review
Despite being perhaps one of the least romantic men to ever exist (apparently, at least according to my poor, long suffering wife), I am a sucker for a good romcom, especially if one as well made as The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity. Fellow AniTAY writer Marquan wrote his own review recently:
He made it sound so good, that when ANN was offered review copies of the first three volumes, I jumped at the chance to read it myself. I was not disappointed! An anime adaptation from studio Cloverworks is currently in production, for release at some point next year. I’ll definitely be watching it. You can read my review of the first three manga volumes at the link below:
I’ve also written twenty reviews for ANN’s Fall 2024 Manga Guide, so once they’re all published, I’ll aggregate all the links together here on Medium for ease of access.
This coming weekend I’ll be attending 2024's Scotland Loves Anime film festival in Glasgow, where I’ll be watching nine films over three days. I’ll write up reviews as soon as I’m able and upload most of them to AniTAY’s Medium site (though a couple of reviews will appear on ANN). Keep an eye out for them!
Kevin Cormack is a Scottish medical doctor, husband, father, and lifelong anime obsessive. He writes as Doctorkev at and appears regularly on The Official AniTAY podcast. You can also find him on Twitter @Herrdoktorkev. His accent is real.