Random Anime Collaborative Articles

3 min readJun 26, 2024


The original Eureka 7 — unbelievably unavailable to stream anywhere right now.

I’ve been writing regularly as part of Anime News Network’s editorial team for a little over six months now, having previously submitted occasional feature articles over the preceding couple of years. This means I’ve had lots of anime and manga reviews published, and most of those I’ve linked to here on my Medium blog, at least when I’ve remembered to do it.

Periodically, ANN publishes multi-author articles featuring contributions from the entire editorial team, so below I’ve made a short directory of links to all of these that I’ve been involved with.

First of all, an article for Valentines day, it’s fairly self-explanatory!

Next, an article mourning Sony’s broken promises regarding how “everything” would get moved from Funimation’s defunct streaming service over to Crunchyroll. Dirty liars, there’s a huge list of things now completely unavailable to stream in English, and lots of them are covered in the article:

At the end of every season, ANN publishes three articles — two about the previous season, best and worst anime, plus one about the most aniticipated anime of the upcoming season. Here are the three entries published at the end of the Winter 2024 season, in late March:

For this next article, our not-at-all cruel executive editor had us trawl through our damaged childhood memories to excavate the anime that had first traumatised our fragile, innocent souls. Personally, I blame Tezuka for everything, and you can read why below:

Finally, just published this week are the articles from the end of the Spring 2024, and one looking forward to the upcoming Summer 2024 season:

I’m sure I’ll continue to contribute to more of these, and once I’ve collected enough links I’ll aggregate them all here on Medium so that readers here get a chance to look at the work I write elsewhere!

Kevin Cormack is a Scottish medical doctor, husband, father, and lifelong anime obsessive. He writes as Doctorkev at https://medium.com/anitay-official and appears regularly on The Official AniTAY podcast. You can also find him on Twitter @Herrdoktorkev. His accent is real.




Written by DoctorKev

Physician. Obsessed with anime, manga, comic-books. Husband and father. Christian. Fascinated by tensions between modern culture and traditional faith. Bit odd.

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