I’ve long been a fan of the extremely weird but incredibly compelling Made in Abyss franchise. While I enjoy the anime more than the often-hard-to-follow manga, with its second season the anime adapted up to volume 10. With author Tsukushi’s slow creative pace, it’s likely to be a few years until the next anime (already greenlit!) has enough material to adapt. He’s releasing only one volume per year now.
Volumes 11 and 12 pick up where the anime ended, so curious readers desperate to know where Riko, Reg, Nanachi and Faputa go next have only the option of reading the manga. Thankfully, Seven Seas continues to publish its excellent translation, and volume 12 came out about a month ago.
I jumped at the chance to review this series for Anime News Network, so you can follow the link below to read my detailed thoughts on these most recent two volumes. While you’re at it, feel free to read my reviews of the first season and the subsequent movie! If the second season ever gets an official UK blu-ray release, then you can expect a full review of that at some point too — though I did briefly cover it as it aired.