Continuing my review marathon of everything Macross on Disney+, here’s the second part of my extensive look at Macross 7 — you can read it on Anime News Network via the link below.
For those of you in the US, the Macross franchise finally showed up (almost) in its entirety on Disney-owned Hulu. All that’s missing from international English-language streaming now is the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross and its associated movie Do You Remember Love. Because rights squatters Harmony Gold USA continue to be assholes, the chances of us ever getting those are slim to none at present.
Although Macross 7 does rely the viewer having a not-insignificant amount of SDF Macross knowledge, it’s still possible to watch it without context. It’s a lot of fun, if very silly at times. Next up will be a review of Macross 7’s short movie The Galaxy is Calling Me and sequel OVA series Macross Dynamite 7, before I move onto the far more serious Macross Zero prequel OVAs. Keep an eye out for them!
Kevin Cormack is a Scottish medical doctor, husband, father, and lifelong anime obsessive. He writes as Doctorkev at and appears regularly on The Official AniTAY podcast. You can also find him on Twitter @Herrdoktorkev. His accent is real.